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Discover For Yourself How God’s Word Can Change Your Life

The Bible speaks to every area of life.  On the Faith Matters Podcast, Pastor Steve McKinley discusses the many ways the Bible rises to meet the various challenges and matters of life.  We learn together that God offers not just His words, but Himself to guide, comfort, protect, and give us the assurance of His eternal blessings. You cannot truly know the richness of the book and its spiritual ability to plunge the depths of the soul and to speak to matters of the heart until you experience it for yourself. Complete the form below to find out how you can join in personal or group Bible study. We welcome you with open arms.

I want to Join a Bible Study!

We can’t wait to meet you in person. Simply fill out the form below and we’ll make sure to be ready for your first time with us!


About Navan Baptist Church

We are a growing group of Christian believers who gather together to study God’s Word, pray for and encourage one another, and grow together toward greater faith and a more perfect likeness of Jesus Christ. We are led by Pastor Steve McKinley. He can be reached at 087-362-6105 or

Join us Sundays at 11AM for our main worship service.  We also have a children’s class and adult Bible study at 10AM.   We meet at 65 Flower Hill, Navan, C15 D762.

Stories of Hope


“I always thought that salvation was ‘do the best you can, go to mass, and be a good person, do somebody a good turn along the way if you can.'”


“I realized I was missing something and I struggled for a long time with filling that void.”


“I became a different person that not even my family or my brothers or my sisters would want to be in touch with…The person that I was didn’t care about anyone else’s feelings. It was all about me.”